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Javascript Quiz App

1. Which of the following is related to javaScript?
a. ECMAscript
b. Java
c. C#
d. C++

2. How many datatypes are in Javascript?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7

3. The Following are Javascript datatypes except
a. null
b. undefined
c. String
d. integer

4. Javascript defines the structure of web development
a. Yes
b. No

5. The following declarations and/or assignment are correct in Javascript except
a. var a;
b. var a,b;
c. int a;
d. var c = 23;

6. Which of the following is Javascript higher order function?
a. push
b. sort
c. for
d. while

7. Array can be denoted by .........
a. ()
b. []
c. {}
d. //

8. The following are types of loop except?
a. while loop
b. for loop
c. do while loop
d. begin do loop

9. Which is an example of correct declaration of for loop?
a. for(let a; a ++)
b. for(let a = 0;a <=100; a++)
c. while(a ++)
d. for(let b = 12;b++;b>2)

10. Javascript is a server side programming language
a. Yes
b. No

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